Thursday, 16 September 2010


Ok, so I watched this film Primer a while ago and...well....WTF?
When I first saw it made no sense at all. Since then I have watched it a few more times and poked around the internet and am finally sort of understanding.

For those who don't know, Primer is a 2004 film about time travel. It was written, directed, and just about everything else was done by Shane Carruth, a mathematician.

 The plot deals with a pair of semi-professional inventors who accidentally invent a time machine of sorts, and all the confusing paradoxes that arise. Seeing as it was written by a mathematician and not a writer, the film is hard to follow and the time travel involved is not your classic Dr.Who simple time travel, but an insanely complex but more realistic time travel. The plot is very original, and effectively paints a picture of what would actually happen if someone were to invent time travel, that is if you can understand it.

Amazingly the film only cost $7,000 to make, but made over $424,000 quite a success i think.

So, who else has seen this, and did you understand it?


  1. i'm kinda intrigue, i think i'll wake a look later.

  2. I haven't seen it, but I'm interested after your post!

  3. I saw this film a little while ago on IFC or one of the other indie film channels. It was really dry and confusing. The paradoxes got me totally lost. I was a little out of it when I wathced it and a lot of it is still a little hazy.

    I saw your blog while doing my daily support rounds and decided to follow you. I will drop by daily and give support. Follow my blog and do the same please. It would be greatly appreciated.


  4. Hey nice post, keep it up! Come check me out and we'll support each other =)

  5. Yay, primer!

    I think i have to see it again! :O

  6. madness? this is SPARTA
    following :P

  7. Yeah, this film.... I don't even know. I wasn't extremely impressed, I mean it was creative but I wasn't a big fan of the cinematography. Although it did feel nice because someone was almost always constantly talking.

  8. This is actually one of my favorite movies, the way they presented it was great, especially how none of the characters tried to take over the world or anything melodramatic. It is hard to understand if you aren't kind of a nerd though.

  9. Was it confusing because of a complicated, yet rich and full, plot? Or was it just random hipster cinematography?

  10. Haven't seen it, but interest is piqued

  11. Thank you for the kind comments on my blog :)

  12. Do you reccomend it?
    was it any good?

  13. I've been dying to watch this film but I cannot find it any where :( any ways I updated my blog just like you asked aaron :D check it out

  14. I love this movie. Guess I'm crazy, I could follow it easily. Everyone I tell about it gets bored and confused. I have to say it is the best representation of realistic time travel I have seen. Now if only it worked...
